Life Goes Around Once Janes Sunday Sermon.


Life Goes Around Once Janes Sunday Sermon.

02-05-2018 - Author: Jane Mark

Life Goes Around Once Janes Sunday Sermon.

No matter whether I am happy or anxious or sad or scared or joyful, I have one thing I do no matter what feelings are swirling around me.

When I am upbeat, I listen to this.

When I wish that I was back in Australia at the petting zoo surrounded by gum trees, this song plays loudly over the microphones throughout my office...

When I think of lasting love and commitment, this one plays softly in the background over and over again.

But When I want inspiration, I turn here to Take A Chance

Taking a chance. This is so important no matter what you do in life.

If you want to start a new business, buy a home, get married, pick a college... each of your choices takes you on a path and that can make all the difference.

Always take the chance. "Believe that you deserve for the Sun to Shine." "I love you and I want the Sun to Shine"

Have a wonderful Sunday and...

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Jane Mark

JAM Marketing Inc

Jane Mark is a lover of music. To her life is a song to be played. No matter what you love to do, you can do it here at Onyalist -

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