No Better Way to Build a List of LOYAL SUBSCRIBERS

I have created huge lists of subscribers using NEWSLETTERS and eCourses delivered to their inbox.

Yep, literally THOUSANDS in my autoresponders just by creating QUALITY CONTENT.

You don't need to be a master copywriter to do this, in fact, the content for my first, and most popular newsletter I started over 7 years ago, Home Business Tips, was PURCHASED. It cost $350 as a Done-For-You project that included autoresponder, autoresponder setup, message installation, 1 year of hosting, a complete Wordpress Blog, and blog content.

You don't need all that, nor do you need to spend that kind of money.

Here is an opportunity to start your OWN SUBSCRIBER-GRABBING NEWSLETTERS for little more than the cost of a large pizza.

Yes, you WILL need an autoresponder, with lead capture pages, and I can recommend several, then all you need is CONTENT. I have THAT TOO!

People want CONTENT. They want to LEARN. Answer the question, "What's In It For Me ?" (WIIFM)

I get more subscribers from newsletters, marketing reports, and eCourses than any other source. I GIVE AWAY newsletter and eCourse subscriptions, and only SELL the copyrighted content so others get legal licensing to start their own newsletters.

Again, we are talking CHEAP.

Once these subscribers are on your list, you can suggest and recommend products and services that generate REVENUE FOR YOU!

Check out my offerings. I can HELP YOU GET SET UP, and do one-on-one coaching to get you started. My consulting is FREE.
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Rich Moyer
1-484-902-8819 m-f 8am-5pm EST
Email: richard.moyer.1953@gmail .com
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