Holy Smokes-Look What I Just Got for 47 Bucks
Holy Smokes-Look What I Just Got for 47 Bucks

Hi [fname

I just put down 47 bucks
I thought what the hey I will try this

Here is what I got

3 lifetime mailers-
Mail Daily-
Reach over 156,000 members
1 PPC unlimited click through package

Unlimited clickthroughs for LIFE.

SMS advertising for life.
96% Open Rate

You input all of this from get this One place.
You can change and edit it anytime.

You don't have to log in here or there.

Just one page and out your emails and SMS Message go.

When you can put your hands on an SMS mobile advertising
package that goes out daily for life for 47 bucks.

The mailers and PPC are the bonus and they come FR-EE

Run don't walk.

The price is one time 47 bucks while they are in pre Launch.

I hardly ever buy these packages but this one is irresistable.

This gets my *ten* Star recommendation


Go get um

Jane Mark
I Got all this for 47 bucks
JAM Marketing Inc

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