Get Unlimited Referrals Hi Duck's When ...
Get Unlimited Referrals
Hi Duck's
When you join the all new Pro Traffic Site as a Platinum member, your FREE members all have to pass up their first 5 referrals to YOU.
Guess what? - Each of those 5 referrals (if they don't upgrade) also have to pass their first 5 referrals up to YOU
Then Guess What? The 25 referrals of those 5 referrals also have to pass their first 5 referrals up to YOU
I'm no mathematician but even if a fraction of your free members start
Hi Duck's
When you join the all new Pro Traffic Site as a Platinum member, your FREE members all have to pass up their first 5 referrals to YOU.
Guess what? - Each of those 5 referrals (if they don't upgrade) also have to pass their first 5 referrals up to YOU
Then Guess What? The 25 referrals of those 5 referrals also have to pass their first 5 referrals up to YOU
I'm no mathematician but even if a fraction of your free members start