Essential Tips to Keep Your WordPress Blog Secure


Essential Tips to Keep Your WordPress Blog Secure

23-09-2018 - Author: Peter Paterson

If you have a WordPress blog you need to be concerned with security just like you do with any website. Hackers are always looking for an opportunity to attack a site and your WordPress blog could be a target. Here are some essential tips to help keep your blog secure and hacker free.

Hide your login error messages

Error login messages could provide hackers with ideas about whether they have figured out your username and password correctly or incorrectly. It is a good idea to hide it from all unauthorized logins. Just add the following code in functions.php

add_filter('login_errors',create_function('$a', "return null;"));

Maintaining backups

Keep backups of your entire WordPress blog. This is just as vital as it is to keep your site secure from hackers. If the hackers are successful at least you will have a full backup files to get your site up and running again quickly.

Changing default "wp_" Prefixes

Your WordPress blog might be at risk if you are using the predictable wp_ prefixes in your database.

Use the WP Security Scan plugin.

Prevent directory browsing.

Another security issue is when your directories and all the files in the directory are accessible to public. Use this test to check if your WordPress directories are properly protected:

Enter the following URL in browser, without the quotes.


If it shows blank or redirect you back to home page, you are safe. However, if you see screen shows your directory listings then you are not.

Protecting your Directories

To prevent access to all your directories, place this code inside your .htaccess file.

# Prevent folder browsing Options All –Indexes

Keep WordPress core files & Plugins up to date

One the easiest ways to keep your WordPress site safe is to imply make sure your files are always current. Here are few ways you can do that:

Deactivate & remove plugins not use.

Unused plugin will eventually become outdated and can cause a security risk so it is best to delete them.

Login to your dashboard frequently

When an update is available you will see a A yellow notification at the top of your dashboard. Login frequently and keep up to date with the most recent WordPress files. Subscribe to WordPress Releases RSS.

Generating Strong Passwords - 1st Step to Protection

How to Use a Password Service to Protect from a WordPress Security Breech

The solution to WordPress password security is to take advantage of one of the password services that will generate up to 50 characters of random gibberish. Then it will memorize that password for you so you don’t have to. Each website will have a new and unique password generated for it.

So how does the password service keeps all these preposterous passwords secure?


You have a master password for the service. This must be something that you are going to be able to remember. It will keep all of the other passwords safe and secure. Even if it’s stolen by hackers, to access all of your passwords they would need your master password.

It may seem like a complicated security approach, but it does work. It certainly is a solid method to keep your WordPress site safe, along with the rest of your digital life.

Tips to get the most from your password service:

#1 Have a Good Master Password

- The strength of your master password is key. This must be a strong password. It should follow all the criteria that makes a strong password and you will likely need to spend time memorizing it, but it should be one of the few passwords you’ll ever have to remember again.

#2 Passwords That You Will Need to Type

- Your master password is not the only password you will have to memorize. A password service doesn’t work on some passwords. This means even with your password service there are handful of passwords that you will still have to remember. Make sure that they are good ones! T hankfully, by using a password service the number of passwords you will have to remember in total should be way below a dozen.

#3 Remember, it Takes Time

– When you transition from taking care of your own passwords to having a password service generate and track your passwords, you need to remember that it’s going to take time. So be patient!

#4 Consider Two-Factor Authorization

– If you really want to increase your WordPress password security you can use what is called the two factor authorization where there are two levels of authenticity, making it that much more difficult for hackers to gain access to your WordPress site.

A password service is a great way to get the strongest passwords possible and that’s good protection!

WordPress Site and Dangerous Hackers

Hackers – they are everywhere – so when you hear about them out on the web looking to wreak havoc on your WordPress website, it’s not at an exaggeration by any strength of the imagination. Your WordPress blog and every other website on the internet are at risk if some safety precautions are not put into place.

Malicious hackers have taken down big corporations like PayPal, banks, the US Government, and the list goes on. If they can be hacked, you are probably thinking you don’t have a chance at stopping them. You’d be wrong. With a few things that you can do yourself to help protect your site. Of course, by no means are these tips fool proof, but they will certainly help to increase your site’s security and every little bit of help can go a long way towards decreasing your risk. After all, there will be easier targets out there.

If you protect your site and other WordPress users do not, then you are still at risk. If they protect their site and you choose not to then they will still be at risk. This needs to be an undertaking by all users of the WordPress site.

All websites are at risk, but some are at a higher risk than others. If you believe your site is at higher risk, then you need to put stronger measures into place. You might want to hire the pros.

For most of us, there isn’t a need for extreme measures. Just the implementation of a couple of simple security steps could save you plenty of hassle. These include a different user name than the default ‘admin,’ strong passwords, protected files, current backups, installed updates, limited login attempts, and more. Take the time to do the tasks that will protect your website from hackers or at least reduce the likelihood that you will be targeted and your website hacked.

But why are hackers so intent on hacking your WordPress website?

There are numerous reasons, but these are some of the most common:

  • To hijack your website’s traffic
  • To access paid items
  • To create links back to their website
  • To collect your users email addresses
  • To create links to another site (paid for links)
  • To place content on your site

Being aware of the dangers of hackers is the start to making your website safe and less of a target.

That’s just a few essential tips to keep your WordPress blog secure. There are plenty of others. Remember the more you do the less you are at risk.

Thank you for taking the time to read my latest article. In addition you can read my article on keeping yourself & your family safe whilst online @

Additional Resources:

Security Tools

Best regards


For over 10 years, Peter Paterson has been running both online & offline businesses, helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams. You can read my full bio on my website @ >>>

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